The following report summarises the continual development of Gilberdyke Health Centre Patient Participation Group.
Profile of our Practice Population
The information below shows a breakdown of our current Practice Population:
We currently have a list size of 6169 patients of which 3084 are female and 3085 are male, showing nearly 50% split.
Age range breakdown:
Age |
Patients |
0 to 5 |
349 |
6 to 16 |
715 |
17 to 25 |
562 |
26 to 60 |
2822 |
Over 60 |
1721 |
Ethnicity Breakdown of patients recorded
Ethnicity |
Patients |
British |
1659 |
Other White |
389 |
Other Mixed |
5 |
Other Asian |
4 |
Irish |
4 |
White/Black Caribbean |
3 |
White/Black African |
0 |
White/Black Asian |
2 |
Indian or British Indian |
16 |
Bangladeshi |
1 |
Chinese |
5 |
Estonian/Latvian |
19 |
Polish |
14 |
Other Ethnic |
19 |
Total Recorded |
2140 |
Patient Participation Group Profile
We currently have 13 members of the PPG, 85% are female and 15% male, one of our group is registered disabled.
Age Breakdown:
Age |
Patients |
16 to 35 |
1 member |
36 to 50 |
2 members |
50 to 65 |
5 members |
65 and over |
5 members |
Formation and continuation of our Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Our patient group was formed in March 2011 and consisted of a couple of patient representatives who had indicated they would be willing to join.
We also advertised in our Newsletter, this is distributed throughout. Following the meeting in March 2011 a Practice Meeting was held to identify some other categories for representation on the group.
Searches were carried out to look at our patient list and identify representatives from the following groups:
- Local Nursing Home
- Carer’s
- Parent’s with children under 5
- Parents with School age children
- Working age
- Ethnic Minority
- Elderly
- Chronic Diseases (who attend regularly to clinics)
- Student age
A couple of patients were picked from each category and sent letters inviting them to join. GP’s also approached patients face to face.
We have continued to promote our PPG and advertised in a local magazine to continue to attract members to our group.
The meetings are chaired by the Practice Manager, also in attendance is a GP representative, Assistant Practice Manager and a receptionist.
This year our group have appointed a Vice Chair. Mr D Crimlis is a patient at our practice and has taken an active role in representing our PPG at events and pushing forward ideas and views of the group.
The practice is now a corporate member of NAPP (National Association of Patient Participation) which provide useful advice and information for Patient Group Members.
Our Vice Chair has implemented an application form for patients wishing to join the group which captures some basic personal information and reasons why they would like to join.
Priorities for our Survey
Our Patient Group decided on the priorities for our survey, the two main areas identified were:
- Patient Transport
- Patient Access to a computer and IT information
Distributing the Questionnaires to gather patient views
The surveys were handed out to all our patients who came in to the surgery during the month of October 2013, patients were encouraged to complete the questionnaire before they left the waiting room. Our Vice Chair compiled the data and completed a report containing the results from 93 questionnaires.
Survey Findings & Action Plan
The results of the survey were discussed at our PPG meeting in November 2013 and key areas identified for including in our Action Plan. The results of our survey can be found on our Practice website and on our Patient Group Notice Board in the waiting room.
The general comments from our survey were also discussed and taken on board by our group.
The group felt that the survey had provided some good feedback and had been an interesting learning exercise. The Chair suggested the group look at other methods of carrying out the survey next year, eg e-mail, phone survey.
The group will be concentrating this year on how patient’s can access our online facilities, a couple of our PPG members have offered to assist in setting up training for patients on how to use computers as a way of communicating.
Since the implementation of our group we are grateful to the contributions from the members. In general the feedback regarding our practice is a positive one with very few complaints. We are trying to increase our patient representatives and continually encouraging patients to join.
Some of the actions are already been implemented and our Action Plan (found on our Website) will be updated at regular intervals.
Details of the action which the Practice currently take as a consequence of discussions with the PPG
The Practice Manager feeds back to the practice at the practice monthly meeting updating the practice on suggestions and feedback from the group. This is a fixed agenda item at our practice meeting.
Our practice newsletter is also shared with our patient group before we publish so they have an input into events at our practice.
Other actions taken this year:
- Become corporate members of NAPP
- Patient Representative attends the Goole Going Forward Forums
- Met with Joan Fletcher, Health Watch Representative
- An AGM will be held every January to review the previous year
Practice Opening Hours
The Practice is open from Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm
Extended Hours – we offer late evening appointments up to 7.00pm from Monday to Wednesday.
Our Practice Leaflet is in the process of being updated to reflect the above.